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Why You Should Foster

There is nothing more that I want than a dog. Unfortunately it's unrealistic for me at this point in my life to adopt one being that I live in a small NYC apartment that I share with a roommate (who has a dog) and I have a cat of my own. This is why I choose to foster. I live by the rule that I don't trust a person that doesn't like animals. If you're anything like me and wish you could save a life, but the timing just isn't right then you should most definitely foster.

I grew up fostering dogs with my mom and it was always such a rewarding experience being able to watch these helpless creatures blossom and find their forever homes. As soon as I got my own apartment I knew I wanted to continue the tradition.

My first foster was Truffle, a 3-week old tiny mix that was rescued from a severe hoarding situation. So severe in fact she was found under a pile of garbage full of fleas and other infections, ultimately resulting in her having to have her eye removed. She came to me never knowing what love was and it was my duty to give her all of the love she'd missed out on and more. Truffle was a rare case, being that she was so young and frail I wasn't able to take her outdoors. She stayed in a playpen in my bedroom, I ultimately should've been on maternity leave lol. It wasn't easy juggling school and work all while taking care of this little baby, but it was still manageable. To think, just my time and attention gave Truffle a life worth living. A few weeks later Truffle found a beautiful home. I'd be lying if I said giving her up was easy, I cried on the whole ride there and back, I spent weeks talking myself in and out of keeping her. Ultimately the girl that adopted her was so obsessed with Truffle and had a little dog of similar breed that is now Truffles BFF & sister. It was such a happy ending and I still get to know what she's up to via Instagram.

My second foster was Milton, the sweetest most handsome little man. I fostered Milton on a whim, it was a time when I was going through some things personally and just needed an important distraction. From start to finish Milton was THE perfect dog. Had no accidents, was crate trained, walked well on a leash and was to be trusted with everybody. I was on a mission to find him a home ASAP before I got extremely attached because he was truly too good to be true. After posting him on my Instagram I got a DM from a follower of mine that was interested in him, we exchanged conversations over the course of a few days and she showed me how serious she was about making Milton a part of her family. Long story short her adoption application got accepted and I was able to hand Milton off to her. Today, Milton lives probably one of the most luxurious dog lives out there. His owner is the nicest person ever and I still chat with time to time about Milly. Ah, the power of Instagram!


Some questions I get about fostering:

But what if I get attached?

You will get attached, it's part of the process. I can promise though, that fostering is one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do in your life. You are that animals outlet to their happy ending. The sadness you'll feel is so worth it and trust me when I say it goes away once you see how well-adjusted they become in their new forever homes.

Where do you foster from?

I live in NYC and I've fostered from SocialTees. There are a bunch of other amazing rescues out there, I follow probably 15 on Instagram. Also for my NJ peeps, my aunt works at the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge and they're always looking for fosters!

Is it costly?

Most rescues will cover large costs for their fostered dogs, but things like food and other misc items I've typically footed the bill. I've never been burdened with the cost of fostering a dog, it should be very manageable.

How long does it last?

I'm lucky to have a great social media following, so each dog I've shared on my account has found an amazing home within a month. Every dog is different, sometimes it can take less than a week to find them a home while for others it may take months, even years :(.

Can I only foster a dog?

No! Next I'm fostering a cat for sure. Maybe even a bunny!

Any tips?

SPREAD THE WORD & ENJOY EVERY SECOND! You never know the most random connection in your life may be looking for a dog. Fostering is such a special experience and it doesn't last forever, take in every last second with that special baby.

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