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Meet My BFF, Botox

Being a mother to a hairless cat is just as special as you can imagine. The affection is endless and the breed is known for their outgoing personalities. Growing up I had two hairless cats, Grandma Wrinkles & Botox. When I went off to college I decided to take Botox with me! We adopted Botox 5 years ago from a woman who kept him in a cage, he is now 6 years old and turns 7 on April fools.


Botox is my pride and joy. I get tons of trolls on my social media accounts calling him ugly and fat (my poor baby thank God he can't read). He is the most loving and special pet ever, and I’m not just saying that because he’s mine! He instantly turns every non-cat lover into a Botox-lover. I couldn’t ask for a more affectionate pet, he sleeps with me every night and follows my every move. I don’t know what I would do without him, he is my best friend and an amazing listener.


Although there are many perks to having a hairless cat, they are A LOT of work. I have to give Botox a bath once a week, this includes cleaning his ears/nose which tend to get dirty quickly. To prep for Botox’s bath I first cover him in coconut oil helping his natural dirt comes off easier. I fill up the bathtub about 3/4 the way full and add some organic honey shampoo to the water (he's a diva). This helps him to maintain super soft skin! For his ears I use this tea-tree oil cat ear solution with a ton of q-tips.

Another not so glamorous part of owning a hairless cat is their bathroom habits. Since they have no hair and they lick their oily skin they often have diarrhea, and that calls for the owner (me) having to wipe the cat after they go… Another part of this issue stems from the fact that hairless cats are notoriously known for having sensitive stomachs and the slightest change in diet can really mess with their digestive system.

Finding The Perfect Hairless Cat For You:

Sphynx cats can be very pricey for purchase, this is just one of the many reasons I recommend adopting. Adopting is saving a life, it is ALWAYS the better option. If I didn’t adopt Botox he would probably still be in a cage and would’ve continued being mistreated. Even though I think he is beautiful, Botox has taught many people not to judge a book by its cover. I hope after learning more about him you’ll love Botox just as much as I do! Make sure to follow his Instagram along with my roomates Maltipoo pup @BOTOXANDLULU !

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