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How to Follow & Trust Your Intuition


** After a tragic life-changing event, Kristine Fredheim embarked on a journey toward fulfilling her most meaningful goal: to help others achieve lasting inner peace. Combining her abilities as a medium and spiritual coach, Kristine works closely with people to instil a sense of mindfulness, leading them to discover their purpose and self-worth. By reaching this level of wholeness, anyone can break through their barriers and attain their objectives with flying colors. With a Master’s Degree in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and having authored two books and blogging for the Huffington Post, Kristine’s expertise in spiritual communication is unmatched. **


“Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn’t explain; it seemingly points the way.” - Florence Scovel

I think we’ve all been in situations where we didn't follow our “gut feeling” or “intuition”, and immediately regretted it. Sometimes, our minds can talk us out of it. In reality, intuition is rarely the logical answer, but it’s always right. Being able to follow it will help you to live the fulfilled life you’re meant to live!

Believe it or not, there’s a difference between intuition and what we call a gut feeling. The former comes from experiences that mark their territory in the body. If you’ve experienced something painful in the past, your body has created warning signs to protect you from going through it again. On the other hand, intuition usually starts as a whisper of a feeling, then progresses to a string of signs, which manifest as a sensation in the body. It’s all about listening and being aware of what your soul, your guides or God is showing you.

Here are three simple tips that will help you connect with your intuition and identify its presence in certain situations:

1) To be able to listen within yourself, it’s important to create a stillness and open up your senses. This is why I always recommend meditation--it directs awareness inwards! If you’ve never meditated a day in your life, there are easy ways to learn it, which I outlined in a recent article for The Huffington Post. I usually start by focusing on my breath, feeling the air that lifts my chest up and down. Doing so makes it impossible to think; meditation is simply stopping your thoughts. If and when you reach a more advanced stage, you can contact your spirit guides, angels or whomever you want to ask for guidance.

2) Follow your passion! Being in that state of flow allows you to open up and let love be present. Whether you enjoy singing or even organizing, your passion—which doesn’t necessarily have to be a full-time endeavour—needs to be in your life! When you follow what makes you happy, you give all of yourself. In towards what you’re supposed to do! In a nutshell, intuition can come in different forms, but the common denominator is that it’s always guiding you forward.

3) Trust that you know your own truth. Asking for advice is fine, but you need to feel that it’s right for you. Over time, you can practice this form of self-trust and build a strong relationship with yourself. Start off by listening to your intuition and follow it even if you feel a bit scared. If you catch yourself overthinking everything, breathe and work to let it go by following what draws you forward. This will spark a trusting bond with yourself. In the end, it will feel impossible to do anything that doesn't work for you. A big part of this requires letting go of negative baggage and improving your self-worth. You’ll have more clarity and room for love in your life…and in love, intuition flows!

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